Example of Specific Fear Speech Preparation Worksheet



What is the nature of the fear?
Claustrophobia. According to Stella, Matthew and Thanujeni, (2011), “Claustrophobia is a situational phobia featuring intense anxiety in relation to enclosed spaces and physically restrictive situations”.

When did the fear develop?
I got claustrophobia since I was a kid
Where did it develop?
Specifically, I got claustrophobia from a dream
Why did it develop?
The claustrophobia developed in me because I had that dream for many times in my childhood.
How to react when faced with this fear?
When I faced this fear, basically I would experience difficulty in breathing, sweating, lost control as well as shaking.
How do your friends and family react to your fear?
They always advise me to calm down and remember Allah.
What have you done to try to overcome this fear?
I always use the relaxation techniques like deep breathing, imagine something else that is not related to the fear as well as bring some of my friends to accompany me.

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